Minibus Pimps ‘Cloud To Ground’ will be released 3rd of March in UK, 4th of March in the US and 7th of March in Norway. Susanna releases a new track this week.
We are happy to announce that the label SusannaSonata won it’s first Spellemannpris (Norwegian Grammy) in Open Category, for the release Susanna and Ensemble neoN ‘The Forester’.
SusannaSonata announces to release the debut record of the duo Minibus Pimps on the label in 2014. Minibus Pimps are John Paul Jones and Helge Sten, the album is called ‘Cloud To Ground’. More info to come soon.
Susanna and Ensemble neon ‘The Forester’ was released as planned in Norway and US in September. The album has received great reviews both in Norway, and in US so far.
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